If you have recently been turned down by a lender for any type of loan because of your credit report, you are probably asking yourself what to do next. Self credit repair could just be the answer to your problems. I would hope that your loan officer has gone over your credit report with you. Most loan officers will mail you a copy if you ask them. It used to be that loan officers were not supposed to give out the credit report their company got on a client. That is not the way it is any more. If you ask your loan officer for your report and they deny you, don’t be offended. They are likely adhering to the outdated rule. You might ask them to check with their state bank commissioner if it’s alright to give a client a copy of their report. In addition to your report, your loan officer should also mail you a “Statement of Credit Denial”.
If you have these two items, you can get to work. You can accomplish for yourself precisely what a credit repair service or credit repair agency would charge you a lot of capitalfor. At this point you need to do the following things: 1) Acquire free copies of your credit reports from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, 2) Make credit dispute letters to dispute anything that you find on your credit report that is reporting in any way inaccurately.
Requesting your free credit reports is no problem at all. (This may seem backwards since you already have a copy that you obtained from your loan officer; but let me explain.) You simply write a note to Equifax, Experian and TransUnion requesting a free copy of your report. You are entitled to a free copy because you have been denied a loan. The addresses of the credit agencies are at the bottom of the credit report that you acquired from your loan officer. Send the request letters out first. Although you got your credit report off your loan officer, you still have to ask for your free credit reports from all the credit reporting agencies so that they make a special file on you.
The final step is to write all your dispute letters. This could take you fifteen minutes or 5 hours depending on how lengthy your credit report is and how many accounts you have to dispute. There are a lot of different credit letter samples online. Using any of those should work well. You then need to produce dispute letters for everything on the credit report that you DO NOT believe is completely accurate. The law says that everything on your report must be absolutely accurate. If you are not sure if something is absolutely accurate, then it is your call as to whether or not you ought to dispute it. Let the creditor show you they are reporting properly.
Making these credit repair letters is simple enough, but if you’re interested in saving yourself from some of the work involved, you will want to check out the automatic tool available for FREE by CreditBlossom.com. Here you can produce your credit repair letters in a fraction of the time.